St Andrews WICS Web, Logo, and Graphic Design
Part 1: Logo Design
As the founder of Women in Computer Science at St Andrews, I created this logo in 2018 using Canva. There were several design iterations that I used before decided on this color scheme, font, and box arrangement. The original logo I made is on the official St Andrews WICS Facebook page. Later on, I added “at St Andrews” to the logo and this is currently the official logo of WICS.
Iterations (different spacings)
Iterations - Colored In Squares. This was the original logo for WICS.
Part 2: Website Design
I created and designed the official St Andrews WICS website using the platform Wix in January 2018.
Part 3: Graphic Design
During my time as President of Women in CS, I designed Facebook event banners and various graphics using Canva. The last two graphics I made after I stepped down as President since I volunteered my own time to make these 2 graphics for WICS.
Facebook Event Graphic I made for WICS social.
February, 2018
Facebook Event Graphic I made for Google Code Jam.
February, 2018
Facebook Cover Photo I created using our logo.
March, 2018.
Facebook Graphic I made for Bloomberg’s Diversity Tech Talk
May, 2018
Facebook Graphic I made for WICS Python & Pizza event.
September, 2018
Facebook Graphic I made for WICS Post Python Pints event.
September, 2018
Facebook Graphic I made celebrating WICS’ sponsors
October, 2018
Facebook Graphic I made for a Bloomberg Pub Quiz.
October, 2018
Drink voucher I designed for Bloomberg+WICS event
October, 2018
Facebook Graphic I made for a Google CV Workshop event.
November, 2018
Facebook Graphic I made for a Softwire Pub Quiz.
February, 2019
Facebook Graphic I made for an Imposter Syndrome event.
March, 2019
Poster I made for a Python and Pizza event.
September, 2018
Flyer I made for spreading the news about WICS.
January, 2018